Đặt câu với từ "disobey|disobeyed|disobeying|disobeys"

1. You dare disobey me?

2. The soldier disobeyed an order.

3. Theon disobeyed my orders.

4. He disobeyed an order.

5. Huerta has disobeyed my orders?

6. He was degraded for disobeying orders.

7. I will not be disobeyed.

8. Disobeying God, King Solomon accumulated horses and chariots.

9. 9 Adam disobeyed, and he died.

10. Soldiers must never disobey.

11. The major was degraded for disobeying orders.

12. 6 Eve disobeyed God and ate.

13. It's stupid to disobey the rules

14. 1 He faced a court martial for disobeying orders.

15. They chose to disobey God.

16. And disobey the bad ones?

17. How dare you disobey me!

18. The Israelites disobeyed clear direction from Jehovah.

19. How dare you disobey her orders?

20. They would never dare disobey me!

21. So you students are good at disobeying your teacher, right?

22. Enough to disobey a direct order?

23. How did Saul manifest a pattern of disobeying God?

24. No Party member is permitted to disobey orders!

25. * What are the consequences of obeying or disobeying the Lord’s commandments?

26. 6. (a) Why did Eve disobey God?

27. He never again aspired to disobey her.

28. Those who disobey will be severely punished.

29. They disobeyed and took what did not belong to them.

30. If anyone disobeys, then he should be thrown in with the lions.’

31. That happiness ended, however, the moment they disobeyed God.

32. People who disobey orders given directly by the Autarch

33. Once the order is given, who dares to disobey?

34. I'll learn you how to disobey my orders!

35. I recommend you not to disobey your officers.

36. We must obey traffic regulations,I can't disobey.

37. I couldn't disobey you even if I wanted.

38. He also removed Vashti as queen when she disobeyed him

39. 'Adam and Eve disobeyed God and ate the forbidden fruit.

40. I was enraged to find they had disobeyed my orders.

41. Serious person at every turn disobeys a society Consuetudinary , get used to normal social life hard

42. Unthinkable to disobey the iron voice from the wall.

43. Do not assume that he or she is knowingly disobeying the rules.

44. It is not weakness to disobey your father's orders.

45. Or do you want to disobey a direct order?

46. 10 Sadly, Adam and Eve chose to disobey Jehovah.

47. I recommend that you do not disobey your officer.

48. Wretched daughter! How dare she disobey her father's wishes!

49. The people disobeyed the Law, ignored it, or forgot about it.

50. You deliberately disobeyed this judge and the Governor, did you not?

51. (Genesis 3:1-6) Adam and Eve followed Satan and disobeyed Jehovah God.

52. I remember when you disobeyed orders and rode south to help Robb.

53. Black had disobeyed the judge's ruling, and continued to harass his ex-wife.

54. You disobey command to bring a fucking woman to encampment?

55. When a mystery is too overpowering, one dare not disobey.

56. By eating the fruit, they deliberately disobeyed a simple and reasonable command.

57. 20 Icarus disobeyed his father's instructions and began soaring towards the sun.

58. Barak did not refuse the assignment, nor did he disobey Jehovah.

59. She faces the dilemma of disobeying her father or losing the man she loves.

60. Children must not disobey the orders of their father and mother.

61. And then he says the same thing about an adultere, or a child that disobeys their parents.

62. She has disobeyed me, flaunted me, nursed me in illness, Championed me behind my back.

63. 35 synonyms for Contravene: break, violate, go against, infringe, disobey, transgress, conflict

64. Do you remember why?— Because they did not want to disobey God.

65. 13 How it must have frustrated Nebuchadnezzar that the three Hebrews disobeyed his order!

66. If Adam and Eve disobeyed, it would result in their death. —Genesis 2:9, 16, 17.

67. Synonyms for Contravened include broke, brake, broken, violated, infringed, breached, defied, disobeyed, transgressed and contradicted

68. 11 His dad would beat/knock/kick the shit out of him if he disobeyed.

69. Individual directors may disagree, Bicker, dispute, squabble, fight or even disobey the chairman

70. Proper existence is a natural competition rule, disobeying the business enterprise of this rule with personal foundling that will become ages.

71. God kept account of the number of those who were faithful and of those who disobeyed.

72. I should have liked simply to disobey orders and stay in the trench.

73. Antonyms for Conformed include flouted, defied, breached, disregarded, violated, broke, brake, broken, contravened and disobeyed

74. To obey God means life, to disobey him means death.—Romans 6:23.

75. The government intends to institute court action against the firm which has disobeyed the wage controls.

76. The exclusionary rule of illegally obtained evidence is invalid and can't be adopted in court, for it disobeys the proceedings of law.

77. Pilots who disobey orders to land can face up to five years in prison.

78. (Numbers 35:31) Clearly, Adam and Eve deserved to die because they willingly and knowingly disobeyed God.

79. He also commanded Noah’s descendants to spread abroad in the earth, but some of them disobeyed.

80. He had banged his glass on the table and it was not for her to disobey.